The Village of Dane contracts with General Engineering Company for Building Inspection Services.
The phone number for General Engineering is 608-849-5613.
The Village of Dane Building Inspector does not have specific office hours in the village. Application forms can be found on the village website or on the General Engineering Website. The forms can be dropped off at the clerk’s office anytime during regular business hours or emailed to the Village Clerk at [email protected].
All questions must be addressed to General Engineering. The Inspector works for several different municipalities. It is best to leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.
Please always check if a permit is needed for your specific project before you begin. The Village Ordinances are very clear on when a building permit is needed. If you choose to start a project without a permit being issued first then the fees will be double the amount of the normal permit, as allowed by Village Ordinances. Don’t make this mistake. Check the Village Code of Ordinances or call to get the proper information before you begin a project.